Similar words: retrospect, retrospective, retrospection, introspect, introspective, introspection, prospect, prospector.
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31. First Jonathan, which had been, in retrospect, a mere blemish on the horizon.
32. Like all great software advances, in retrospect it was obvious: the very desktop to which the knowledge worker was bound.
33. In retrospect, the United States never fully absorbed the significance of that vote.
34. It is probable that in retrospect he gave that factor more weight than it carried at the time.
35. In retrospect it is quite evident that this was a doomed endeavour.
36. So you won, Ragu, and in retrospect I think it was right that you did.
37. The illegal break-in at the Watergate Building was in retrospect quite unnecessary in terms of Nixon's electoral changes in 1972.
38. Eliot's demand for difficulty, in retrospect, by now looks perverse as well as obscure.
39. The sick smile that Odilo sported throughout his wedding day seems, in retrospect,( retrospect.html) all too appropriate.
40. We might think, in retrospect, that it was a set piece of rather obvious connivance.
41. In retrospect, I find it natural that Fanshawe should have become a writer.
42. In retrospect, I realize that this strengthened my ability to become an effective leader.
43. One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. Sigmund Freud
44. In retrospect the interracial character of the growing congregation on Azusa Street was indeed a kind of miracle.
45. Meditation for those facing odious tasks Dear Lord, History in the making is often clear only in retrospect.
46. But, in retrospect, perhaps I overstated the case by proposing that we nationalize the banks.
47. In retrospect, this period offered the best chance for a settlement.
48. In retrospect I marvel at how the problem arose and was resolved.
49. In retrospect their structure seems irrational with no clear division between territorial and functional responsibilities.
50. There would be no more climbing through the ranks. In retrospect, his fears look laughably absurd.
51. In retrospect, however, it is clear that there were always good reasons why this city was a likely candidate.
52. The great cattle freeze of the white winter had been, in retrospect, a blessing in disguise.
53. For example, telephone charges are normally billed to customers every quarter in retrospect.
54. In retrospect, this represented both an opportunity and threat to law firms.
55. It was never our intention to hurt anyone and it occurs to us in retrospect that the ad was insensitive.
56. Yet, in retrospect, there were also warning signs for de Gaulle.
57. In retrospect, dying of the disease itself would seem infinitely preferable to the agonies of death from mercury poisoning.
58. In retrospect, he said, he did not realize how hard it would be to keep them happy.
59. In retrospect, the decision to build the bomb was fraught with agonizing ambiguities.
60. In retrospect, knowing what I know now, I guess he wanted to make up for what happened during the war.
More similar words: retrospect, retrospective, retrospection, introspect, introspective, introspection, prospect, prospector, prospectus, prospective, spectroscope, spectroscopic, electromagnetic spectrum, in return, in return for, prosper, prosperous, prosperity, retro, aspect, respect, specter, inspect, spectre, suspect, retrovirus, retrogress, retrograde, spectrum, retroactive.